Kate's Magik Massage Oil - Energizing Wind


A bright, stimulating blend of energizing Geranium, fresh Citrus and herbaceous Rosemary. For energy and strength.

Kate's Magik Massage Oils are wonderful when self-applied as a body oil or treatment to release tension, ease stress, provide energy, evoke passion, relieve anxiety or help you sleep.

Sweet Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Pure Essential Oil Blend of Geranium, Lime, and Rosemary, Vitamin E (non-GMO from sunflowers).

Massage this oil over the entire body to revitalize muscles and stimulate the senses or self-apply as an invigorating body oil to nourish the skin and uplift the spirit. Euphorian Wind is a great addition to your morning ritual that helps you greet the day with strength and energy.

Size: 4 fl oz.

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